Join the hackathon to drive cleaner and safer mobility in cities!
This project is supported by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. EIT Urban Mobility acts to accelerate positive change on mobility to make urban spaces more liveable. Learn more:
All events will occur in the GMT+2/EET time zone.
Riga City Council is the government of the city of Riga, the capital of Latvia
LMT is a telecom operator based out of Northern Europe focused on empowering society through mobile technologies.
*LMT reserves the right to withdraw prizes in case no team chooses to solve LMT challenges.
The goal – to understand what is happening in real time city traffic. The LMT prize will go to the team that demonstrates innovative ideas related to the city infrastructure sensors or to the team that can show examples for adaptation of existing sensors to obtain data for transport monitoring or solutions that will help society.
During the hackathon, LMT invites you to create a solution that provides reliable images from urban environments. This solution must guarantee that the people and vehicles in these images can't be identified. Some solutions could even insert fake people and vehicles into real city images.
Top 3 most promising solutions will be awarded monetary prizes to aid further solution development!
*LMT reserves the right to withdraw prizes in case no team chooses to solve LMT challenges.
During the 48 hours the teams will have several opportunities for consultation with highly experienced business, technology and product development mentors as well as city governance and mobility experts!
The list will be updated continuously as our mentors confirm their participation and support.
We believe that smart and human centered mobility solutions can only be designed in collaboration. Thus, we invite everyone interested in future mobility to join us in the hackathon to jointly develop creative and bold solutions for a greener city!
Hackathon is only the kick-off, the following 10 week incubation program is the real deal! We welcome you to use this hackathon as an opportunity to find team mates, get first idea validation and later use it to apply to incubation program!
To participate you need to register on the Hacktribe platform till November 28! There you can pitch your idea, form a team or join an existing one. We also invite you to attend the Info event & Team Matchmaking Session on November 27, where we will answer your questions and help you to find a team or missing teammates!
On November 28th we start with a warm up discussion of experts to explore the urban mobility challenges in depth. The result of the discussion will inspire the participants to develop fresh ideas for a solution.
The hacking will start from November 29 - December 1, 2023. Together with your team, you will have 48 hours to develop and validate your idea and work on its prototype. During the hackathon you will have several checkpoints with team mentors as well as the possibility to reach out to additional expert mentors. We begin on Wednesday at 17:00 with an Opening ceremony and finish on Friday at 18:00 with the winners announcement.
After the hackathon, teams will have the opportunity to further develop their ideas in the Urban Mobility Incubator in spring 2024!
The hackathon is open to participants from EIT UM RIS eligible countries* who have an idea or want to become a part of one, but especially targeted to participants from Baltic states who are interested in sustainability, technology and innovation. If you have an interesting mobility project idea or would like to work on someone's idea within the scope of the challenges proposed, then definitely apply. The primary language of the hackathon is English.
* Please make sure that your country is in the list of eligible countries, mentioned in section 2 of the Hackathon guidelines.
We are open to participants with a wide range of skills. The key attribute here is “motivation to act”. Specifically, we are looking for sustainability enthusiasts, innovators, engineers, programmers, data geeks, students, scientists and designers. The work will be done in teams, combining participants with various skill sets.
No. You can register to the hackathon and browse other participant ideas on Hacktribe and join the one that interests you the most! But if you do have an idea or even several ones, we highly suggest you submit them on Hacktribe to see if they gain traction. Otherwise, join the Hackathon warm-up discussion on November 28 to get inspired.
If you have an idea and are looking for teammates, you should submit it on Hacktribe and invite others to join.
If you don't have an idea and want to join a team, you should browse the submitted ideas on the Hacktribe platform.
Participants are responsible for finding a team (submitted idea) to join, and Team Leads (those who submit ideas) are responsible for forming their teams. To help teams form successfully, participants will have the opportunity to join the Info event & Team Matchmaking Session on November 27 at 18:00.
Existing teams with already developed products or solutions are welcomed to join the hack, but should have a clear goal in mind on what they would like to accomplish within the 48 hours. During the hackathon our mentors will give advice and practical tips for your project to bring it to the next level.
The minimum requirement of team members is 2 people. As you have to coordinate within your team, we recommend a manageable team size up to 5 members to be effective. If you consider applying with friends/team, we still recommend keeping the team open to new potential participants from Hacktribe platform. You’ll be surprised by the outcomes you find yourself with by the end of the hackathon. Don't worry if you don't have teammates, we will help you find them during the Matchmaking session.
All organizations (idea submission, team matchmaking, mentor booking etc.) will happen on the Hacktribe platform. Opening ceremony, final presentations, team and mentor meet up will take place on Zoom. More information will be provided during the Info event on November 27.
We have arranged great mentors to work with the teams throughout the hackathon. Each team will have a designated team mentor that will check in on them through 1:1 calls on the Hacktribe & Zoom platforms at set checkpoints to make sure you move in the right direction. Team mentors can also refer you to expert mentors in case you need some more guidance in particular domains. Part of them have great fieldwork experience, others have strong technical backgrounds. Be open and ask for tips and advice. They are there to help you!
If unsure about the process, the Hackathon organizer team will also be there to support you.
The winning teams will be decided by a jury of challenge providers, industry experts and professionals. The final decisions of the judges are to be based on the following parameters: Relevance of solution, Innovativeness, Business potential, Progress during the Hackathon, and Quality of the pitch. The panel will assign a score to each parameter and later discuss the total scores, which will together determine the ranking of each participating team.
After the hackathon, teams will have the opportunity to further develop their ideas in the Urban Mobility Incubator in spring 2024.
Always the team who created the project - neither Urban Mobility Hackathon organizing team, nor our partner companies.
If you are among the top teams, first of all, please do celebrate this milestone! Afterwards you will be contacted by the organizers team shortly after the hackathon to agree on the best format how to receive the prize. Important: Cash awards are subject to tax (20%) that organisers will pay before the prize money is transferred to winners.
Please note that we will ask all hackathon teams to include in their final pitch on how they plan to spend the monetary prize if they are among the top teams and specify how it will help them to further develop their idea.
We invite you to also consider applying to our Urban Mobility Incubator in 2024!
A hackathon is an invention sprint-like event where ideas get built into solutions with teamwork and mentoring support within 48 hours. The organizers will guide you through all the steps of the hackathon, from idea submission to mentoring and final presentations to the jury for the selection of winners.