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After a successful Urban Mobility Incubator last year, we are happy to announce the second incubator starting June 30.

Urban Mobility Incubator is a 9-week summer program of active individual work in teams and mentoring, followed by prototype deployment in Riga urban environment.

EIT Urban Mobility. Funded by European Union

This project is funded by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.

Why Apply?

As cities grow, the demand for mobility increases. Today urban mobility accounts for 40 % of all CO2 emissions of road transport and up to 70 % of other pollutants from transport within the European Union. By fostering innovation and transforming urban mobility, we can cut unnecessary costs, improve quality of life and contribute to achieving climate targets.


Shortcut to deployment

Getting your prototype from the lab to the city streets is often an unnecessarily complicated process that can take up to 18 months. Within this program, the City of Riga has committed to providing a green corridor and will deploy the prototypes for testing this summer. The program will also provide the participants with up to €5 000 for for prototyping and piloting.!


Personalized advice

Together with the teams, we will set up personalized 9-week plans for each. So if you're a total beginner, we will provide you with a comprehensive development framework and mentoring, but if you're a seasoned entrepreneur, we will not make you sit through the intro to business canvas.


Access to the City

Often startups are expected to know what the city wants without an actual conversation with city representatives. We emphasize collaborative innovation, so dialogue with the City of Riga will be an integral part of the solution development. Moreover, the EIT Urban Mobility network will enable even wider access to many European cities.


Street view with smoke

Pollution Control

Pollution in cities takes many different forms: air pollution, light pollution, sound pollution, etc.​ Every pollution can be measured and reduced.

While monitoring systems have complex installation processes, there must be solutions that enable the private and public sectors to track noisy and unwanted vehicles!? We are also looking for solutions that work as traffic calming devices.
Electric scooter on sidewalk

Micro-mobility and Sharing Economy

Free Floating vehicles are very important to promote sharing economy which reduces the number of cars in cities and improves urban mobility.

However, they are often cluttering the public spaces in the city, thereby decreasing the quality of life as they tend to be found in inconvenient places for residents.

This challenge looks for solutions that could improve access, usability, and the private sector's willingness to participate in the business model.
Person on bicycle next to a train

Active Mobility

Active mobility has a huge potential to improve healthy city living and decrease noise and air pollution.

This challenge is about finding tools and solutions that can help citizens to change their daily transportation habits into healthier ones.

The solutions can be revolutionary bicycle storage solutions, gaming active mobility, or even simple infrastructure adaptations.
EV Charger

Sustainable Energy for Mobility

Sustainable energy sources are crucial to maintain the good effects of new mobility solutions.

This challenge calls for solutions that improve the access to EV charging stations, increase the efficiency of electricity grids and help society to employ any possible space and area towards sustainable energy generation.

At the same time, it is important to look for solutions that facilitate faster transfer toward renewable energy sources.

About the programme.

The incubator will be a 9 week long summer program of active individual work and mentoring, followed by prototype deployment in the Riga urban environment. Each participant will have a personalized progress plan depending on their situation at the program start. Therefore, we are equally welcoming to completely new teams with high potential ideas as well as already established startups interested in deployment acceleration.

The program will offer hands-on workshops with supervisors on market research, client profile assessment, prototyping, marketing, etc., with up to 5,000 EUR financial support for each team's prototype development and deployment to build their solution on a real scale.

The Urban Mobility Incubator program is funded by EIT Urban Mobility and delivered by the innovation movement VEFRESH in partnership with the Riga City Council City Development Department and the Riga Technical University.



Making sure that your idea and value proposition is actually targeting real market needs



Researching competition, defining your edge and creating a profitable business model



Creating solution prototype under the guidance of mobility, IoT, AI and other tech experts



Deployment of the developed prototype for testing purposes by the City of Riga


Pitch night

Final event to share your progress and received feedback from investors and potencial clients

This project is co-funded by EIT Urban Mobility Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. EIT Urban Mobility acts to accelerate positive change on mobility to make urban spaces more liveable. Learn more:

What will I get out of the incubator?

Urban mobility incubator program will provide up to 6 teams with the following:

  • Direct access to City of Riga specialists for consultation and advice
  • Covering prototype and deployment costs for up to €5 000
  • Weekly stipend of €100 per team during the 9 week program
  • Strong preparation for future success through personalized couching and individual mentoring sessions
  • Opportunity to develop contact network of city representatives and investors.

Is Urban Mobility Incubator right for you?


We are open to beginner entrepreneurs with a passion and strong drive to succeed as well as to already established startups looking for that extra push to get their prototype deployed in real urban conditions. Our team selection is based on the following criteria:

  • High potential business idea that addresses the proposed challenges
  • Clear focus on sustainability
  • At least 2 people team with business and tech competences
  • Capacity to devote time and energy to the development during the 10 week program.


Eligible candidates hold the following qualifications:

  • Have an interest in technology, innovation and sustainable urban mobility,
  • Are open-minded and determined to succeed,
  • Have an interest in entrepreneurship and leadership,
  • Are willing to make an extra effort alongside their other activities,
  • Fluency in English.


The program is free of charge.

Join us to develop solutions for improved mobility and reduced pollution!



Armands Jukums

Armands Jukums

Riga City Council
Kaspars Ozols

Kaspars Ozols

Riga Technical University
Aigars Lazdiņš

Aigars Lazdiņš

Riga Technical University
Viesturs Celmiņš

Viesturs Celmiņš

Annija Tropa

Annija Tropa

Zane Derdonska

Zane Derdonska

Mārtiņš Pakalniņš

Mārtiņš Pakalniņš

Riga City Council City Development Departament
Edvards Vārdaunis

Edvards Vārdaunis


Practical Info.

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How can I apply?

You will be required to fill out an application form that describes your idea and team setup. The applications will be accepted from April 12 to June 17. If necessary, we also might invite the applicants for interviews with the jury committee or organizer team.

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Who can apply?

Our primary focus are participants from the Baltic states, but we are ready to consider teams from elsewhere in the world if you are interested in registering your company in Latvia. For more information about how to do this and Startup visa, please check Magnetic Latvia portal.

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How long is the program?

The program will start late June and will finish in September. Soon after the final pitch night will be organized.

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What will be expected of me if I participate?

We will expect you to strongly commit to the development of your business strategy and technical prototype during the program time. We also expect the participants to engage with other teams, share constructive feedback and be open to various opinions.

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Will you take our equity?

No, as an incubation program we will not take your equity, but we will expect you to keep us updated about your future milestones and successes, as we need to monitor your progress over the following 2 years.

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